Friday, October 4, 2013

 Have I told you how much I love autumn? It's my favourite season. I love everything about it! But, I'm kind of disappointed this year. I love the days when it's 65-70 degrees outside and it's just perfect weather for a sweater and definitely not jacket weather. 

This year, however, has been freezing!!! I've already turned on the heating once and it has SNOWED. What's up with that?  Snow is for mid-November.  Definitely not September or October weather!!!

Mike and I took a little adventure up American Fork Canyon to check out the fall colors.  It was beautiful! Everything was so vibrant in color and Cusco was having a blast! I will definitely be going back before winter hits full blast.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

So, I jumped on the tumblr band wagon and I've really been neglecting this blog lately. Mostly because tumblr requires little to no effort to post and on here I actually feel like I need to write something mildly interesting.

I have been really, really busy lately with all sorts of stuff.  First, we went on our trip to Panama and Costa Rica. It was amazing! Pretty much just spent 2 weeks relaxing in the jungle and on various beaches. Tough life, I know.

(Bocas Del Toro, Panama)

(Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica)

(A very amusing sign at our hostel in Manuel Antonio)

Once we came back from our vacation I decided to get back to school. It seems weird but I have totally been going through a 1/4 life crisis. Half the time I feel like my world is crashing around me and the other half  I feel like these are the best years of my life. I think it's the uncertainty that really makes me feel panicky. If I could just know that everything is going to turn out the way I want it to I think I would feel a lot less anxious about the future. I just want to graduate, settle down and do something amazing with my life. And that's why I have created a 5 year plan with an end goal of graduating with my Bachelors in Environmental Engineering. 

In other news, I have been back to Austin twice this year! It had been about 5 years since my last visit and it was amazing to go back.  The first trip I went out because I wanted to see my grammy. She has been sick for years and I felt like it was a good time to go out before I got back into school.  Unfortunately, a few weeks after I came back she passed away...which lead to my second visit.

She passed away over labor day weekend.  I don't really want to go into details about what happened, but let's just say that she didn't take care of her illness and that's what ultimately lead to her death.  If there was a lesson to be learned from her life it was definitely to take care of yourself. 

So basically, I just ate a lot of REALLY good food while I was in Austin and also took pictures of weird things. And you know what I realized when I was down there? We don't get Blue Bell ice cream here.  What's up with that? It's the ice cream of my child hood and not that I have realized that I can't have it here in Utah it's pretty much all I think about. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's been a long weekend!

Saturday night we camped out in the west desert near 5 mile pass. I didn't really expect too many people to come along, but quite a few people did and we had loads of fun building a fire, eating junk food and being loud in general.

This weekend we will spend in California.  I'm taking off of work early and we're going to leave Friday afternoon.  It's snowing today so I am super excited to get out of this freezing cold state.  We are taking Cusco for the second time and I am so excited to see him play on the beach and go crazy.  He loves to swim.

We will be stopping in Vegas and camping nearby at Red Rock (state?) Park.  We should make it to California on Saturday and then on Sunday morning we will be running the OC Half Marathon and then heading back to Vegas. We're still not sure what we will get up to on Monday, but I am super excited to see what we end up doing..

In other news,  we leave for Panama in a little over a month!  So excited!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hmmm, I haven't really been on top of things, have I?

I think it's because nothing interesting has really been happening lately. We're going camping this weekend out near 5 mile pass and next weekend is the OC Half Marathon.

My toe is finally back to normal-ish and I can finally walk without limping but I haven't been able to run for almost 3 weeks and I am nervous to go run 13.1 miles next week.

I am still waiting to hear back about the job I applied for, next week will hopefully be when I do! 

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Just my luck

Well, it happened. A little under two weeks before the SLC half marathon and a little over two hours before my interview for a promotion at work I did it, I broke my toe.

I won't be able to run the SLC marathon but if I am lucky I might heal in time for the OC half marathon. It sucks because I have already paid for both and I am not able to be refunded even for injury.

I am so mad.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Adventure time

So, Mike and I were supposed to go to Thailand this year, but the airfare has been beyond expensive. We have a new travel destination now: the only Central American country that he hasn't been to: Panama!

We bought out tickets this past week and we will be gone for the first two weeks of June. I am beyond excited!  Panama has everything that we have been wanting: jungle, beaches and hiking. I can't wait to relax in the sun!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Yesterday was a balmy 50 degrees outside and for a moment I felt like Spring was here!  I love rolling down the windows in my car and feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin as the cool breeze blows in through the window. 

(Cusco, doing what he does best)
I have some serious cabin fever.  Mike is going camping next week without me and I am so jealous! I just can't wait for it to be warmer outside and for the canyon roads to open so that I can do some hiking of my own.